in the
"Emotional Intelligence can be learned. Try it on, the size always fits,
needs no return, and never wears out."
Deborah Bravandt
Danial Goleman, the author of, Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ, tells us, "All emotions are, in essence, impulses to act...suggesting that a tendency to act is implicit in every emotion." When we blend together the social realities of our lives with emotional intelligence we discover our actions have a profound impact on our relationships.
Social emotional learning can be understood and practiced in safe learning environments using team building activities. Groups, or teams, in action, working on tasks, encounter emotions of all kinds. When they explore the dynamics of these emotions and the behaviors that surface, together they can navigate the choices they have and work towards positive outcomes. With practice, desired emotional behaviors can be taken back into the "real world" to improve social relationships of all kinds.
This workshop is all about using team building activities to learn and practice Emotional Intelligence in social situations. Team building activities are designed for social interaction. These interactions are filled with choices, behaviors, reactions and responses - many of which come from our emotions. Some outcomes are undesirable, others are much more positive - together we can discover these outcomes in a safe learning environment. With more practice and understanding, we can learn to live on the more positive side of our lives, no matter where we are. Our positive choices influence our relationships with family, friends and the communities to which we belong.
The Objectives of this Workshop:
Learn how to frame activities around Social Emotional Learning.
Understand the important aspects of Emotional Intelligence (EI).
Practice using team building activities to enhance awareness of SEL & EI.
Recognize changes in group behavior influenced by emotional awareness.
Enhance abilities to ask EI-related questions.
All levels of group-work facilitation are welcome. We will learn together!
8th Dec: pune
15th dec: bengaluru

"May your work be in keeping with your purpose." Leonardo de Vinci
This workshop will be about exploring the "Why" behind the "What" of adventure education. It is full of tools used to teach and practice purposeful programming for team building program experiences. Be a better facilitator on purpose!
Foundational Tools in this Workshop will Include:
Learning how to use the, “Activity Determination Scale” for activity progressions.
Using a "Decoding Sheet" to breaking down a new activity so you are ready to lead it.
Planning with the, “F.U.N.” design for programing activities on macro and micro levels.
Activity Tools in this Workshop will Include:
Good ways to use activities in the beginning of a program.
Using Name Games that really help us learn names.
What is a Warm-Up activity and why we should use them.
Understanding activity objectives and facilitated objectives.
How activities relate to concepts and behaviors in group work.
Adjusting activities to the needs of your group.
Processing activity tools that open up learning throughout a program.
When you know the why behind the what, you become a purposeful programmer and your outcomes will show it. Your groups will walk away from your programs with more than they expected!
All facilitator experience levels can benefit from this energetic, active, thought-provoking experience.