in the

Applied Theatre School
Learn about theatre, its connection to life, and its meaningful use
Aanand Chabukswar

A theatre teacher, facilitator, and an ABT (arts-based therapy) Practitioner. Working in education, therapy, and applied theatre for past 25 years.
Founder of the Applied Theatre School
Working with WCCL Foundation, an NGO that pioneered Arts-Based Therapy (ABT) practice and training since 2001
Designs and teaches Applied Theatre at Savitribai Phule Pune University since 2007
Working with children using theatre since 1995
Trained in Drama Therapy with the pioneer in the field, Dr. Sue Jennings (2000-2002). Co-directed international Drama-Therapy projects and training with Dr. Jennings.
Trained in Commedia del’Arte (Theatre of Masks and Movement)
Published writing internationally
Works with many Universities across India.
Founder of Temporary And Contemporary Theatre (TACT), active in creating poetry-based theatre performances since 2004
What is Applied Theatre?
The systematic use of theatre in community, self-development, therapy, and education. Applied Theatre makes meaningful use of the process and outcome, of engagement and performance in theatre, for everyone. It expands the possibilities of theatre to things that matter to us in life.
How does it work?
Applied theatre uses the tools of theatre — voice, movement, interaction, stories, images and more. There are a range of possibilities — from a simple practice of using voice effectively in classroom or presentations, to building aesthetic capacity to know and understand emotions and complex life situations!
Theatre can facilitates children’s effective learning, education can be involved and active with applied theatre.
The power of coming together and dialogue, expression and communication is experienced in theatre experiences. It can help build safe, conflict-free, empathetic, and diverse communities.
Those with special needs need an inclusive space for learning, expression, and healing. Theatre provides life-skills learning, a safe container to explore issues, and space for insights.
What courses does the school offer?
The courses focus on specific tools and applications.
Theatre Skills for Everyday Life & Work
The Natyashastra & Emotional Literacy
Theatre & Drama for Creative Self-expression
Advanced Dramatherapy: Specific Applications
Storytelling & Narratives in Learning & Education
Facilitating Theatre-based Learning for Children
For whom?
Each course has specific eligibility.
These courses are designed for young people, actors, counsellors, therapists and social workers, facilitators, professionals and experiential educators, parents and teachers.