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Diploma in Experiential Education & Practice

18 days of an immersive experience  in the philosophy, pedagogy, methods and practice of Experiential Education spread over 9 months


currently inactive


currently inactive

Course Code


18 days

(1 weekend / month)

This course has been kept on hold till the COVID situation changes. The new form is likely to be a mix of online and outdoor sessions.


We suggest you begin your education with the Online course - ee2go Online

During the course, you will encounter a variety of hands-on activities, readings, personal reflections, writing exercises, group discussions, and opportunities to have your own adventurous experiences.


The more you put in, the more you get out of this course.


It has been designed keeping in mind the many teachers and Outdoor educators who want to make moments with the learner groups more exciting, and empowering. The approach will help students understand and apply principles of experiential learning in the classroom and in the outdoors.

At the end of the course . . . 

. . . you will have a better idea about

  • Creating safe environments

  • Running activities more effectively

  • Holding meaningful reflection sessions

  • Managing Conversations and Conflict in a better way

  • Designing experiences to suit Purpose, People and Places

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